High Quality, Made-In-America, Feature-Rich
Digital Design Corporation (DDC) designs and develops custom electronic products for a wide range of applications and customers. But we have also developed and manufacture a number of standard off-the-shelf products suitable to the industries we serve.
These products are modifiable to suit your needs.
- Solid state video and data recorder
- Simultaneous record and playback
- Record synchronized metadata with the video
- No special debriefing station required (records to standard formats)
- Ability to record RAW, compressed, or compressed-lossless data
- Enhance the video during debriefing
- Video portability
- Plug-and-play USB2.0/USB3.0
- VAADR® Control Console (for lab use, testing, debug)
- VAADR® debriefing software (VAADRView), providing instant access to the recorded video (from the VAADR or from a PC), with extensive image enhancement and data visualization capabilities
- Imagery can be extracted for analysis by your own or other 3rd party processing and analysis
Advanced Network Devices
DDC specializes in network endpoints, particularly PoE (Power Over Ethernet) endpoints. Advanced Network Products, a subsidiary of DDC, offers a variety of electronic devices that combine clock, date and bi-directional audio/intercom functions for mass notification. Just plug it into your network cable and it auto-boots, auto sets with atomic time, and is ready to receive/send audio, scroll news/weather/alerts, handle alarms, background music, etc. It works on existing data networks and inter-operates with Cisco and other VoIP phone systems.

AVB (Audio Video Bridging) and Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) are new IEEE Ethernet plug-and-play open standards to address the time-sycnhronized, low-latency, determinstic needs of passing multi-channel video/audio/data over your network. DDC offers UNH-certified solutions for this latest open standard to synchronize multichannel video and audio over networks for automotive, industrial, military, commercial and broadcast applications.

Call now to set up a consultation: 847-359-3828