High Quality, Made-In-America, Feature-Rich
Digital Design Corporation (DDC) designs and develops custom electronic products for a wide range of applications and customers. But we have also developed and manufacture a number of standard off-the-shelf products suitable to the industries we serve.
These products are modifiable to suit your needs.
Video and Advanced Data Recorders (VAADR)
DDC’s Video and Advanced Data Recorders (VAADR®) provide real-time recording of high frame rate or high bandwidth 16 bit hi or low – resolution, color or grayscale raw or compressed imagery, in rugged applications, or in the lab or other industrial settings.
Choose from a number of different models available. VAADR can record raw or compressed imagery…

Real-Time Image Enhancement
ClearTECH image enhancement solutions tap into the unrealized capability of cooled and uncoooled IR and other cameras. DDC has a full line up of Intellectual Property support including NUC, BPR, AGC, image stabilization, fusion, LAP, tracking, and many others. The solutions consist of circuit boards, embeddable IP, or systems suited for your needs.

PoE Network Products and AVB/TSN
DDC specializes in network endpoints, particularly PoE (Power Over Ethernet) endpoints, network audio and video, and AVB/TSN. Advanced Network Products, a subsidiary of DDC, offers a variety of electronic devices that combine clock, date and bi-directional audio/intercom functions for mass notification. Just plug it into your network cable and it auto-boots, auto sets with atomic time, and is ready to receive/send audio, scroll news/weather/alerts, handle alarms, background music, etc. It works on existing data networks and inter-operates with Cisco and other VoIP phone systems. DDC also specializes in audio and video over networks generally, and in AVB and TSN applications.
DDC technology can be used a starting-point or basis for your technology.

Call now to set up a consultation: 847-359-3828